Intel (CS)ME, (CS)TXE, (CS)SPS, GSC, PMC, PCHC, PHY & OROM Firmware Repositories

Intel Firmware Repositories:

Last Updated: 2022-06-05
This is a collection of every Intel Engine (CSME, CSTXE, CSSPS, ME, TXE, SPS), Graphics (GSC), PMC, PCHC, PHY & OROM firmware we have found. You can use ME Analyzer to check instantly whether a firmware is already at the repository.

Note: To extract the files below you need to use programs which support RAR5 compression!

Collecting all available Intel (CS)ME, (CS)TXE, (CS)SPS, GSC, PMC, PCHC, PHY & OROM firmware is important for research on how the general technology works, for creating universal tools that can help people understand what firmware they use, for developers with no Intel representative who want to experiment on a given platform, for downgrading purposes etc.

All Intel Engine, Graphics, PMC, PCHC, PHY & OROM firmware at the repository have some common attributes and are categorized based on them as follows:

  • Every Engine & Graphics firmware Version tag has a Major, Minor, Hotfix & Build number. Example: ME has Major 8, Minor 1, Hotfix 40 and Build 1416.
  • Every PMC CNP+, PCHC, PHY & OROM firmware Version tag has only a Build number. Example: PMC 300.2.11.1011 has Build 1011.
  • The SKU of each firmware, when applicable, depends on the platform generation and is usually distinguished based on supported features (Consumer H/LP/N/V/1.5MB, Corporate H/LP/5MB etc).
  • The Revision is the PCH stepping of a given platform generation and is used to further categorize CSE & PMC firmware (C, D, B etc).
  • The Release of each firmware can be Production (PRD), Pre-Production (PRE) or ROM-Bypass (BYP). You could see these as Stable, Debug & Alpha but there's more to it than that. Only Production (PRD) Engine, Graphics, PMC, PCHC, PHY & OROM firmware based on Production Chipset Steppings are included in these repositories.
  • The Type of each firmware can be Stock (RGN), Extracted (EXTR), Recovery (REC), Operational (OPR) or Update (UPD). RGN are clean/stock/unconfigured images provided by Intel to OEMs. EXTR(-Y/N) are dirty/extracted/configured images from various SPI/BIOS. REC & OPR are used at (CS)SPS firmware. UPD are partial RGN/EXTR firmware regions which contain only ME CODE without any DATA, used only by older Intel FWUpdate tool versions. To learn more, read Section B of Intel (Converged Security) Management Engine: Drivers, Firmware and Tools.

There is a certain mentality which is followed in order to structure the Intel Engine, Graphics, PMC, PCHC & PHY firmware repository properly:

  • Every Engine & Graphics firmware filename follows the structure Major.Minor.Hotfix.Build_SKU_Revision_Release_Type and has a .bin extension. CSME 11 PCH-LP additionally has a PDM entry. Example:
  • Every PMC CNP+ firmware filename follows the structure PCH-Name_PCH-Series.PCH-SKU.PCH-Revision.Build_SKU_Revision_Release and has a .bin extension. Example: CNP_300.2.11.1011_H_B_PRD.
  • Every PMC APL, BXT & GLK firmware filename follows the structure PCH-Name_Major.Minor.Hotfix.Build_SKU_Date_Release and has a .bin extension. Example: APL_0.1.0.0_B_2020-02-05_PRD.
  • Every PCHC firmware filename follows the structure PCH-Name_Major.Minor.Hotfix.Build_Release and has a .bin extension. Example: ICP_13.0.0.1004_PRD.
  • Every PHY firmware filename follows the structure PCH-Name_PHY-SKU_Major.Minor.Hotfix.Build_Release and has a .bin extension. Example: LKF_S_10.227.203.1144_PRD.
  • Every OROM firmware filename follows the structure GSC-Name_Major.Minor.Hotfix.Build_Release and has a .bin extension. Example: DG01_19.1030.0.0_PRD.
  • When it comes to Engine & Graphics Region images (RGN/EXTR), RGN are more important that EXTR(-Y/N) and EXTR-Y are more important than EXTR-N. ME Analyzer can detect that as well.

A. Intel (Converged Security) Management Engine (ME)

  • CSME 15.40
  • CSME 15.0
  • CSME 14.5
  • CSME 14.1
  • CSME 14.0
  • CSME 13.50
  • CSME 13.30
  • CSME 13.0
  • CSME 12.0
  • CSME 11.22
  • CSME 11.21
  • CSME 11.20
  • CSME 11.12
  • CSME 11.11
  • CSME 11.10
  • CSME 11.8
  • CSME 11.7
  • CSME 11.6
  • CSME 11.5
  • CSME 11.0
  • ME 10.0
  • ME 9.5
  • ME 9.1
  • ME 9.0
  • ME 8
  • ME 7
  • ME 6
  • ME 5
  • ME 4
  • ME 3
  • ME 2

B. Intel (Converged Security) Trusted Execution Engine (TXE)

  • CSTXE 4.0
  • CSTXE 3.2
  • CSTXE 3.1
  • CSTXE 3.0
  • TXE 2
  • TXE 1
  • TXE 0

C. Intel (Converged Security) Server Platform Services (SPS)

  • CSSPS 5
  • CSSPS 4
  • SPS 3
  • SPS 2
  • SPS 1

D. Intel Graphics System Controller (GSC)

  • GSC DG2
  • GSC DG1

E. Intel Power Management Controller (PMC)

  • PMC DG2
  • PMC DG1

F. Intel Platform Controller Hub Configuration (PCHC)


G. Intel USB Type C Physical (PHY)

  • PHY G DG2
  • PHY G DG1

H. Intel Graphics Option ROM (OROM)

  • OROM DG2
  • OROM DG1

I have compared it with my collection and while I can say mine is smaller (pun is unavoidable), I had a few images not present here. All are PRD and EXTR, from what I can tell.

Just a few questions:
- do you have a pro account or just free on Mediafire? I know they have a “policy” of snooping through uploaded files (even archives) and delete without warning, but also delete the files after 3 months of last download. With a such large collection and invested time, a backup is always needed. Not to mention that Intel might not see this with good eyes and ask for the files to be deleted.
- uploading as archive was your preferred method or the only reasonable method? I remember Mediafire Express had a feature of folder upload, where you could still keep the present structure of main versions in separate folders, but make it easier for you to upload and users to download. That is, you upload the main folders, then you upload just the newly founded firmwares to the corresponding folder. There is still the option to “download folder” for those who want the full package. See here an example. (7.79 MB)


Ha,ha …

I forgot to add this line yesterday: When it comes to Region (RGN) images, Stock ones are more important. If I have the same version as RGN & EXTR, I will keep the RGN. ME Analyzer can detect that as well.

Basically if I currently have an EXTR but I find a RGN, ME Analyzer will show it as an update and the file will be replaced. So you might have more firmware, when ME Analyzer is out you can drag & drop all of them and just press Enter continuously until you see the yellow warning of a “rare firmware”. Saves so much time…

Regarding firmware: Thank you for the files, all of them are “new” except from which was already at the database.

1) I have a free account so I cannot do bulk download. What I like about Mediafire is that it has no waiting time to download, fast download speeds (not like Mega of course), it allows me to re-name & re-upload the same package without the link changing, I can view download count etc.

→ I read all the legal stuff over at their website now and didn’t notice any snooping policy. Can you direct me to it?
→ Your files are not deleted individually based on last download but rather based on last log-in time. It’s account and not file based. Here:


→ I obviously keep backups of everything I have at Mediafire, I don’t trust online services at all.
→ I would be deeply disappointing by Intel if they pursued this as “sketchy/illegal”. It would be a dick move since all those files/tools/docs come from legit links all over the internet.

I have been thinking this for some time now. From now on I will try to add a Source link for everything I find and upload (firmware, documentation, tools etc). Just like quid does at MDL.

2) Initially I was thinking about uploading all firmware in one folder or 11 folders based on major version and keep all the .bin files visible and individually downloadable. However, that wouldn’t be practical since I don’t think someone with a free account (no bulk/folder download) is going to manually download 470 firmware images. Then I thought about one ME and one TXE file but the ME one would still be a huge upload every time. So, creating 11 compressed packages based on major version seemed like a good compromise. I’m all in for ideas, have you thought of something more compelling?

Mediafire also has Drop Folders. I can set one up, give the link and then anyone can upload new files there without registering, posting or anything. I had done it in the past for both ME & TXE threads but I ended up removing them because noone used them. Only once did someone upload a file and it was a 2008 Intel vBIOS ROM, go figure…

I know the difference between PRD and PRE and how to tell them apart, but what about RGN vs EXTR? One way will be to see the $FPT header and check for a version, but what is the method by using your script? Check for an “Updated: Yes” message, check for the “FITC <…>” data in “Type: …” field?

Mediafire doesn’t specifically writes that they will inspect your files, no one will. But I have sent someone a few months ago some mp3 files, as a test for a software, packed in a rar file. They were deleted faster than he had a chance to download them, which forced me to encrypt the file, because they actually looked inside the archive and sent me a message that it was a copyrighted file, with a link on how to legally purchase them. And it was only one or two, not like I have mass distributed them.

Ah yes, I just tested that option of folder download. Since it is Pro only, then the only option is the current one, an archive for each main version. I doubt you will find a service that has fast, free, no wait download, that would also let you download as a folder or individually.

Edited: Using a Drop Folder is not a good option. Some will just upload firmwares that are already present, without reading the thread first. Others will probably upload what they think is the firmware, but it can be the driver or anything else. While there may be some that will use this as a way to propagate spam or malware.

$FPT header is for ME8 & up only. All previous firmware required manual observation by importing stock RGN, immediately exporting via FITC and checking for stable/universal differences that pinpoint FITC presence. That’s one reason why the repository is so useful to me. Here:



Personally If I want to upload something like that I add it to a rar file (store, not compressed) and add a password. Safest solution to avoid file snooping. I’m not sure if Mega allows folder download, maybe. Stable links are kind of important when you are maintaining threads such as ME,TXE with so many links on them. Yes, I won’t deal with a Drop Folder. Leaned my lesson previously.

EDIT: Generally, as you will see when the source code is out, ME Analyzer is full of comments to assist me and others understand how it works, what have I thought so far and how can it get better in the future.

thanks good writed Replaced (cleaner firmware)
mine is but firmware at above is cleaner so which firmware should ı use ?

Clean firmware means that it hasn’t been imported to FITC. Obviously, older firmware means older firmware. You have the latest firmware & driver, nothing else to do.

can you tell me plutomaniac what is the extracted region and stock region and which should be chosen ? thanks.

Read the main thread, it’s clearly stated.


I found a SPS Firmware version that seems to be new ( might be of interest to some people.

sps.png (893 KB)


Thank you for the file, indeed I didn’t have it. I have attached below my “collection” of SPS firmware. Keep in mind that it’s not a repository, the names are probably wrong, inconsistent etc.

Also, ME Analyzer r4 did not support SPS 1 firmware (shown incorrectly as ME 1 firmware). That was added at r5. Attached below is the .exe for r6 (just replace your current exe). It’s not an official release but I’m sure it will be useful to you.

Btw, you may want to fix the ME11 text at SD.

Intel SPS Firmware Repository.rar (4.29 MB)

ME Analyzer v0.9.9 r6 EXE.rar (23 KB)

Hello :slight_smile:

Here is ME

me1033.png (3.34 MB)

Note: ME Analyzer was also updated to 1.0.1 because the database is now a separate release. Check section C of the ME Analyzer thread for more details. There is no announcement there because a) it’s not important and b) users of the older 1.0.0 r1 have nothing to gain from downloading version 1.0.1 of the tool. The latest database file (r7) is all that is needed.

Hello :slight_smile:

Here are some firmwares reported rare.


Also, do you want me to continue adding SPS FW to this thread? (1.81 MB)

Thank you for the report Pacman and yes, SPS firmware are accepted here as well. The 3 reps (SPS1-3) are ready but I am not releasing them yet because of the little SPS knowledge I currently have. Normally SPS needs to be built manually by combining Operational + Recovery so I’m still not sure whether a Region is needed to be there. In the meantime, all contributions are welcome. More samples help understand things better.

Note: From now on, the repositories will be updated less often to reduce post clatter and not waste time packing, posting and uploading single files every day. I’ll try to keep the DB txt file for ME Analyzer updated though.

EDIT 25/04 : I am aware of firmware :slight_smile:

In this file there is a new TXE Firmware. I’m not sure if it is 1.25MB or not, but it is for a new platform, CherryView.


Hello lordkag,

Thank you for the report. I am aware of Braswell firmware. I took the liberty to remove the direct link (for now) to keep the open source alive. Hope you won’t mind.



The structure of TXE 2.0 is exactly the same as 1.1 - nothing new like ME11 for Skylake-S. The $SKU is identical between TXE 1.0 1.25MB , TXE 1.1 1.375MB and TXE 2.0 1.375MB.

I can send you the files if you want via pm.

I’m updating 5 ME System Tools packages currently.

Are you sure it is Braswell? Because from this link, I see that CherryView it is linked to Cherry Trail and Broadwell. I know it is just Wiki and not Intel source, but I tend to believe it.

No worry about the link. Although, I don’t think they will block the access, if they didn’t do it by now. Still, better to be safe. I am almost amazed that SD is posting links to Realtek site with the credentials in plain text.

Without revealing too much source code, how can you tell it is 1.375MB, apart from the obvious chronology?

Braswell is the successor of Bay Trail M/D (Mobile/Desktop) whereas Cherry Trail is the successor of Bay Trail T (Tablets). Can we identify from what type of device these SPI images came from?

Yes, indeed. The ME11 firmware & drivers were kind of obvious too. Well, I guess it’s best to poke the beast as little as possible.

Initially TXE 1.0 had two skus 3MB and 1.25MB. With 1.1 they decided to merge everything into one sku at 1.375MB. As I said, 1.25MB and 1.375MB have the same SKU. The same applies to 2.0 as far as I can see. Also, the size is clearly bigger that 1.25MB and almost the same as 1.375MB. It seems logical.

You are right. I searched for the board corresponding to the file and while I couldn’t find it, I did found Pentium N3700, which is Braswell CPU.